Election Time

It’s Election Time.  If you want to get involved you should nominate yourself for a position.  Here’s how:

Larp House Elections
The Larp House will be holding elections for officer positions this July. This means that leadership for the Larp House will be composed of elected officials who have been chosen by the community.

Who can vote?
Anyone who has ever been to a Larp House event. If you are getting this email you can almost certainly vote.

Who can run for office?
Anyone who can vote can run for any office. If you have a passion for larp, or an idea for what you want to see the Larp House become, please consider nominating yourself!

How do nominations work?
You nominate yourself by sending an email to larphouse@gmail.com with the subject line “NOMINATION.” In the email include:
The name you would like to be listed under on the ballot.
The position(s) you want to nominate yourself for.
For each position, a description of your platform. This might include a description of how you will help the Larp House fulfill it’s Values Statement, what you hope to accomplish, or why you think you will do a good job in the role. This information will be shared next to your name on the ballot. Maximum of two paragraphs per position.
A person can be on a maximum of two committees. The Creative Director cannot be on any Committees. No one may nominate themselves for more positions than they can fulfill. Nominations will close on Sunday, July 12th, and voting will begin later that week. The people we elect will assume their positions in the middle of July.

Available Positions
Outreach Committee (up to 6 seats)
Members of the Outreach committee are on the front line of growing and sustaining the Larp House’s membership. They will be on the hunt for new people we can play with and new places to play. They will also monitor the community we already have and bring feedback to decision-makers. Finally, Outreach Committee will develop a media strategy for the Larp House and execute it–stuff like building a website, using social media, and whatever else their creative minds can imagine!

Term Limit: 6 months, with the ability to run for consecutive terms.

Education Committee (up to 6 seats)
The Education Committee turns excited larpers into experienced larp organizers. They oversee the Mentorship Program, which pairs folks new to larp with experienced organizers that they can work with and learn from. This committee also organizes workshops on larp techniques for the community and the public. Lastly, they will maintain a library of larps and larp theory that any community member can draw upon.

Term Limit: 6 months, with the ability to run for consecutive terms.

Harassment Committee (3 to 6 seats)
The Harassment Committee works to create and maintain a safe and welcoming environment at Larp House events and in our community. The members oversee the Harassment Policy and act as emotional support staff at events. If harassment does occur, this Committee will provide support for the people involved and decide what consequences to give harassers. Right now the Harassment Policy that this committee will use is still being written; those who become members of the Harassment Committee will have a significant voice in ensuring that the Larp House has a strong and well-implemented tools to make our community a welcoming place.

Term Limit: 6 months, with the ability to run for consecutive terms.

(Note: Anyone who is currently a member of a committee and would like to retain their position must run for re-election.)


Larp House Presents: Still Life

Rock out with Still Life

Sorry for the late notice, but I have one question for you larpers.  Do you want to rock?  Do you want to have an inability to move on your own and be plagued with an existential question?  Do you believe me when I say this is more fun fun than it might sound.  Well you NEED to play Still Life, the award winning larp written by our own , , and .  Below is our event details.

Still LifeStill Life is a game about relationships and their inherent instability due to forces beyond our control. Also, rocks. You play as a rock, contemplating the meaning of its existence though introspection and discussions with other rocks. As your position changes, so too does your perspective, which may lead you to your answer or only to more questions.
Still Life will run from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm on Saturday, July 11. It’s being held at Linwood Park, next to the Linwood Community Recreation Center.
If transportation is an issue, e-mail the Outreach Committee at larphouse.outreach@gmail.com with what area you are in and we will try to find somebody you can ride with.
If you are interested in playing, fill out our Still Life Registration Form before 11:59 pm on Saturday, July 4th. You should know if you are in or our of the larp by Monday, July 6th.

To sign up click on this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1sKzfAc_qqZu4BbJBJnHrgf-c2kJyriLypUFE1KNqtEI/viewform?c=0&w=1&fbzx=418190663053326043