Larp House Presents: An Afternoon at the Park

On a pleasant fall afternoon why not play 1 or 2 low key larps about paying attention to the outdoors?

Crow Funeral is about opinionated crows arguing the cause of death of a
member of their murder. If ever there’s doubt about who should be
speaking its everyone’s responsibility to go “hey! hey! hey!” until the
issue is resolved. What more draw do you need than that!

Royal College of Neraidology is about, well, its just 200 words have a read yourself:

Dear participant,

You have been invited to take part in a field trip to determine the nature of
faerie activity in a public garden, parkland or cultural site. You will be given one full hour to investigate the location and gather data.

Data may take many forms and we recognize that creative extrapolation is a key part of the scientific method in regard to neraidology. In particular, we
wish to know:

  • What species of faerie dwell in the area (sprites, gnomes, leprechauns,
    brownies, etc)
  • What habits they may have (dances, mushroom tending, animal husbandry)
  • What locations they favour (hidden hollows, man-made structures, natural wonders)
  • What tools, items or trinkets they have used (coloured stones, unusual
    feathers, shiny items)

Once the hour is complete, all participants are expected to present their findings to each other and form a cohesive theory to present to the College. We expect that the work of all participants be given equal weight and
recommend rewarding yourselves with a picnic afterward.

We look forward to seeing your results,


Sir Francis Cobblesworth

Dean of Neraidology
(Faerie Studies)

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