Documentation for Hug Street

Larp House Presents: Hug Street

LARP HOUSE presents: Hug Street

WHAT: Hug Street takes place in an alternate reality. Instead of selling and buying shares, stocks, and derivatives like on Wall Street, players trade in hugs, handshakes and vocal noises, such as “ahhs” and “mmms.” But a recession is coming – will you be able to steer through this crisis without going under?

The game explores an economy where the goal is spending, not saving. In this world, consuming is a positive act, as long as you consume for the good of everyone. Even more information below the cut!

WHAT GENRE: Stylized realism, comedy by accident
WHEN: 1 – 5 pm, Sunday February 23rd!
HOW MANY: 6 – 12 players!
EDIT: Larp is full.
HOW DO I SIGN UP: Send an e-mail to starting 6 PM Wednesday, January 29th. Sign ups will not be accepted before then. There will also be a Facebook event for announcements and such.

I WANT MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LARP: During the game, the traders swap simple products such as hugs, handshakes and vocal sounds.You choose what products you feel comfortable selling and buying.The money you don’t use degrades, and it is possible to lose everything! If this happens, you’ll have to start over from scratch. Since everyone is interdependent, your fellow traders will want you back in business as soon as possible if this happens. In Hug Street, not having is a resource just as much as having one, provided you are willing to trade. And having a resource isn’t worth anything if you keep it to yourself.

Hug Street can be played by people who are not comfortable hugging.You always decide whether you’d like to give or receive hugs or other physical trades.The game sup- ports both saying ‘no’ to a transaction, and modifying trades to meet with the accept- ance of all involved parties. Even though it’s possible to play the game without touching others, if you’re not comfortable with physical contact, this might not be the game for you.

The larp follows a working week in the life of a Hug Street trader. From Monday until Saturday you will sell and buy hugs, handshakes, and sounds. Together with the other traders, you’ll experience both an expanding and shrinking economy as the market gradually opens. Eventually you will move beyond trading into designing your own products.

Hug Street was designed by Fredrik Hossman and the larpscript was taken from Larps From the Factory (thanks again to Arnold Cassel for buying it for us).

I HAVE ANOTHER QUESTION: Send me an e-mail and I will try to answer it!