Larp House Presents: Potluck Larp

Larp House Presents: Potluck Larp

Everyone loves a potluck!

This winter, we are hosting a larp that is more than the sum of it’s parts. Using the framework Play With Intent we will build a larp and then play it in one evening. Let’s design the game in order to play it, including while we are playing it! And yes, we’ll also share food in a potluck fashion.


Play With Intent, a freeform larp for 4-6 players + casual social potluck

Designed by Matthijs Holter and Emily Care Boss

Organized by Kathy Shane and Jon Cole

WHEN:Friday, January 19th from 6:00 pm to 10:30 pm

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Larp House Presents: LarpJam

LarpJam, a workshop where participants will create their very own larps in a round-robin format. In a matter of hours people with no larp design experience can create awesome, fully-playable larps or the seeds that future larps can spring from! This process folds creative invocation, constructive constraints, and peer feedback into one lightning-fast process.

This event is being put together outrageously last minute because the Larp House was specially invited to participate in

Golden Cobra, a new freeform design competition that concludes October 30th. Seriously, Whitney Beltrán and Jason Morningstar wrote us personally to ask Larp House people to submit. Even if you can’t attend this Larpjam, you are encouraged to design something for Golden Cobra!

Continue reading “Larp House Presents: LarpJam”

Larp House Presents: Family Business (run 3)

Family Business is an American Freeform about a family of con artists in the 1980s. The family’s leader has just been arrested so the members of the gang have to make sense of their changing relationships as the law breathes down their neck.
This larp was presented by the Larp House in 2013 and has been polished for a second run.


6:30pm-12am Saturday June 7th
depending on interest, there may be a second run in the afternoon or evening of Saturday June 14th

Continue reading “Larp House Presents: Family Business (run 3)”

Larp House Presents: The City of Fire & Coin

UPCOMING LARP: The City of Fire & Coin

The City of Fire & Coin is a sandbox larp for 12 roguish characters adventuring in a mysterious fantasy city packed with violence and intrigue.  The game will be run by Kat Jones and Evan Torner in the Parlor Sandbox system, bringing their successful larp from Intercon M 2013 to share with the Larp House!

City of Fire and Coin larp for 12 players
Location TBA  Twin Cities, MN  USA
6:30pm-12am Saturday January 18th (January 25th snow date)
(Facebook event here)
RSVP Info Below

City of Fire and Coin is a Swords and Sorcery genre larp in which players have a lot of agency. As a result, this larp isn’t a win or lose type of game; sometimes telling a great story involves characters who make decisions that are ultimately against their best interests!
There are 12 player slots at this larp available on a first-come first-served basis. We’d like you to RSVP early. Because we are serious about our claim that you will have a lot of agency, once you have RSVP’d we’ll help you make a character and we will fold that character into our preparations. Please claim your slot ASAP by messaging us directly.

EDIT: All slots claimed, LARP IS FULL.

Costuming is encouraged for City of Fire and Coin. Based on the Quickstart RPG of the same name by Epidiah Ravachol. Information about the first run of the larp can be found here.

Larp House Presents: Family Business

UPCOMING LARP: Family Business

7pm-12am Saturday November 16th (find out more here)

7pm-12am Saturday November 23rd (find out more here)

Family Business is a larp about a family of con artists in the 1980s. The family’s leader has just been arrested so the members of the gang have to make sense of their changing relationships as the law breathes down their neck. Family Business will be run semi-lajv in the DramaSystem.